Tuesday, November 30, 2010
A Foot in Each Season
However, I've not blogged over the Thanksgiving holiday and I feel the need (on this last day of November) to make one last nod toward Thanksgiving before I move on. So here it goes...
In my sermon on Thanksgiving Sunday I challenged our congregation to be more willing to share our gratitude. Twenty years ago I worked retail and remember being told that when customers go away upset they tell at least 10 (if not more) while when they go away happy they may tell no one. This has stuck with me and I wonder about it. And so I challenged people to make sure we express our thanks and even share it.
In that line of thinking, I want to share some recent pleasant experiences (of many varieties)...
1) Although not the most significant one on the list, I have to give a big "hurrah" to our birthday party experience at Chuck E. Cheese's. Can I be honest here? I didn't expect to have rave reviews of said birthday party. I really thought I'd just endure it for the sake of my now-five-year-old. And frankly when I first looked at the brochure my primary thought was that it was a little pricey. However, it was a GREAT birthday party! We did it on a Saturday morning (yes, they open at 9 a.m. - who knew?) and so we were virtually the only people there. We got personal attention. Everything was well organized and happened in a timely fashion. When we left both the five-year-old and his mommy had smiles!
2) The week before Thanksgiving we got family pictures taken. Yesterday we got to view the proofs and I couldn't be happier. In fact I keep looking at them wondering where that lovely family came from. :) Our photographer, Kelly, and his wife, Ronda, were wonderful and the pictures really are art. If you happen to live in SW Missouri, let me recommend Kelly Lawson Photography.
3) If you know me in person, you'll know that I love Iowa. I've referred to it before as the place of my birth and the home of my heart. We were there for Thanksgiving and again I was reminded about how grateful I am for the place where I grew up. Although the people around me certainly had the greatest influence, I believe that much of who I am is very connected with that place.
4) I am grateful to pastor this wonderful church in SW Missouri. I think too seldom do we who serve in this way pause with wonder and gratitude at the many ways people invite us in to their lives and trust us with their deepest selves. I stand in awe.
5) I am a proud owner of a Hyundai Santa Fe and would recommend this little SUV again and again. As we were on the road adding hundreds more miles to the 120,000+ it already has, I was realizing how reliable it has been and how safe we feel in it.
6) As this month of Thanksgiving comes to a close I am grateful for my husband, my children, my parents, my sister, my grandparents, my friends, my clergy colleagues...so many people who love me in spite of myself, who keep me grounded and remind me who I am, who share life with me...people to whom I don't often enough say "thank you."
So, what are you thankful for? What big or little experiences would you like to shout from the rooftop (or at least post a little something about)?
Thursday, November 18, 2010
Monday, November 15, 2010
We Need Each Other
Since having children I've rejoiced that my boys have personal relationships with people 100 years older than them (yes, we have several over 100 in our congregation!) and relationships with people of every age in between. These relationships combined with their wonderful grandparents relationships make a difference.
I was reminded of my joy at this multi-generational group today because of what Sarah wrote. I was reminded of it not only for my children, but for myself.
Saturday, November 13, 2010
Spelling Matters
Him: Look what I wrote, Mom.
Me: Wow - I love you, Mom - thank you.
Him: Well, I was going to write - I don't like you, Mom - but I couldn't spell it.
Guess I'm glad for what he doesn't know. And I'm thinking we'll be careful what we teach him to spell!
Friday, November 12, 2010
Quick Takes, #20: Recipe Edition

#1: My mom's lasagna:
8 oz box lasanga noodles
1 lb ground beef
1/2 lb sausage
1 can prepared spaghetti sauce
24 oz cottage cheese
2 eggs (beaten)
1/2 c. parmesan cheese
1 t. black pepper
8 oz mozarella slices
8 oz shredded mozarella
Use 9 x 13 (or next size bigger) pan. Grease pan. Preheat oven to 350 degree.
Cook noodles.
Brown hamburger and sausage, drain, add spaghetti sauce and simmer.
Mix cottage cheese, eggs, parmesan, and pepper.
Layer in pan as follows: noodles, meat sauce, mozarella slices, cottage cheese mixture (do twice).
Top with shredded mozarella.
Bake for 1 hour. Let stand 10 to 15 minutes before cutting and serving.
#2: Cheesey Corn Chowder
3 medium potatoes, peeled and cut small
1 c. water
2 t. chicken boullion
1/8 t. ground red pepper
dash black pepper
3 c. milk
10 oz frozen corn
2 T. flour
6 oz Velveeta cheese (1 1/2 cups)
In large saucepan combine potatoes, water, boullion, red and black peppers. Bring to boiling. Reduce heat. Cover & simmer 10 - 15 minutes or until potatoes are tender.
Stir in 2 1/2 c. milk and corn. In small bowl combine other 1/2 c. milk with flour. Add to potato mixture. Cook and stir over medium heat. Melt in cheese.
#3: Maidrites
5 lbs ground beef
1 t. salt
1/2 c. chopped onion
1/2 c. oatmeal
1 1/4 c. ketchup
2 T mustard
1/2 t chili powder
1/4 c. vinegar
1/2 c. brown sugar
Brown ground beef, salt and onion. While browning mix other ingredients. Put meat in crock pot. Mix sauce in and cook on low.
#4: Potato Soup
6 - 7 medium potatoes
1 medium onion
1/2 stick butter or margarine
8 oz cream cheese
1 can cream of mushroom
1 can cream of celery
1 T garlic salt
salt and pepper to taste
1/2 c. milk
Cut potatoes into small cubes and dice onions. Cover with water and boil until tender.
Melt in butter and cream cheese. Add other ingredients, stir well.
#5: Taco Potato Cassarole
1 lb. ground beef
1 can creamed corn
1 pkg taco seasoning
1 20 oz package prepared mashed potatoes
1/2 c. shredded cheddar cheese
1 egg
Brown ground beef. Drain. Add creamed corn and taco seasoning.
While meat is browning mix potatoes, cheese and egg and set aside.
Place meat mixture in square baking dish. Top with potato mixture.
Bake at 375 degrees for 25 - 30 minutes
#6: Cherry Chocolate Cake
1 Chocolate Fudge Cake Mix
2 Eggs
1 t Almond Extract
1 can cherry pie filling
Combine cake mix, eggs and almond extract then add pie filling. Pour in greased 9 x 13 pan. Bake 18 - 22 minutes at 350 degrees.
Frosting Ingredients:
1 c. sugar
1/3 c. milk
1/3 c. butter or margarine
1 c. chocolate chips
Combine sugar, milk and butter in saucepan. Add chocolate chips - melt. Pour frosting over warm cake. Refrigerate.
#7: Oatmeal Cookies
1 c. butter or margarine (soften)
1 c. brown sugar
1 c. sugar
2 egges
1 t vanilla
1 t butter flavor
1 1/2 c. flour
1 t salt
1 t baking soda
3 1/2 c. oatmeal
Combine all ingredients. Bake on ungreased cookie sheet for 12 minutes at 310 degrees.
Quick Takes, #20

So, without further ado...my favorite fall/winter foods to cook...
#1: My mom's lasagna (I swear, she makes the best - I think the combo of hamburger and sausage is the secret, oh, and lots of cheese!)
#2: Cheesy Corn Chowder (let's just acknowledge Velveeta makes everything yummy!)
#3: Maidrites (if that term means nothing to you, think Sloppy Joes that aren't so sloppy, think loose mean sandwiches...my step-mom shared a wonderful recipe that I love!)
#4: Potato Soup (this recipe is from one of my favorite restaurants from when I lived in Lexington, KY - no watery soup here, it's rich with cream cheese, creamed soups, and butter!)
#5: Taco Potato Cassarole (a simple recipe, but warm and nourishing and a great combination of flavors that surprised me when I first had it)
#6: Chocolate Cherry Cake (gooey, yummy, sugary sweet...what more needs to be said?)
#7: Oatmeal Cookies (my hubby's recipe makes the best of this old favorite...and no matter how many times I try, I still can't make them taste as good as he does!)
Is anyone else hungry?
And really, if any of these sound particularly good, let me know - I'll get you the recipe. Meanwhile, I will try to get back and post recipes, but feel free to badger me!
Now, go post your Quick Takes over here with Jennifer or see what others are talking about.
Thursday, November 11, 2010
Bigger Picture #14: The Holy Mundane

Tuesday night we walked into the room where our church board meeting is held. A friend, also there for board, came with her unfolded laundry, pictures needing to be sorted, grocery lists and menu planning worksheets. She began asking others to help with these tasks and before you knew it several were folding her family's clothes, I was writing out a menu and checking items off her grocery list, another friend was sorting her pictures. She simply commented that she was so far behind that in order to be in attendance she needed to bring things with her and multitask during this time.
As usual the meeting began with a devotion. She happened to the be the one doing it. As she began to speak all of this came together - this wasn't really just about having too much to do (although she certainly does) but it was an object lesson for us. She spoke about a book that a mutual friend of ours had given us both years ago: Quotidian Mysteries by Kathleen Norris. (If you aren't familiar with that book, it's worth reading.)
In Quotidian Mysteries Kathleen Norris talks about finding the holy in the mundane, those usual, regular, often thankless tasks we do day after day, week after week. She speaks specifically of laundry and other "women's work."
After reading this book, my friend began to see her tasks as a wife, mother and keeper of the home differently. She began to pray for her children as she folded their laundry. She began to recognize not only the mundane but also the loving and necessary nature of these tasks she did each day. And it changed her.
I have heard her speak of this often throughout the years and I have worked to practice it - some days doing better, some days worse. Today I am grateful for her reminder this week. I am home...taking a day off. And as I am cleaning and cooking, I am holding my husband and my children, those who share this household and those who will enter it, in my prayers. The work is different today. And so am I.
Go on over to Melissa's place today and share your Bigger Picture Moment or read some others.
Wednesday, November 10, 2010
God Our Parent
Take a minute. Go read it.
You'll be glad you did.
Tuesday, November 9, 2010
Religion vs. Spirituality: Follow Up #1
Thursday, November 4, 2010
Quick Takes, #19

#2: I love fall. And I'm glad it's here!
#3: I just finished reading a delightful book entitled The Guernsey Literary and Potato Peel Pie Society. It was a beautiful read, written as a series of letters between characters, set in post-WWII Europe. Thanks, Sarah, for shaing it. I'd definitely recommend it.
#4: I'm concerned about our nation. I'm not one to write a lot about politics. In fact, I'm quite aware that I don't stay as on top of what's going on as I should. And, although I am a registered Democrat, I think this is about more than an election in which many Republicans won. I'm just concerned...concerned about how alienated we seem to be from each other, concerned about our seeming inability to see another's perspective, concerned about our lack of desire for give and take/compromise. We watch this happen in politics, but it's not only there. And I'm concerned.
#5: I miss my hometown and my family. Although I've lived away all of my adult life, I have times when that distance feels more difficult. Now is one of those times. No real reason, nothing wrong where I am, just longing for home.
#6: For some time I have largely neglected collegial relationships. It wasn't an intentional act, it was just that once I was married and had children, I discovered that my time was limited. And it seemed that I had enough to do just to get things done in my congregation and home that I neglected much else. However, recently that's changed and I meet regularly with a group of clergy who renew my spirit. It's very good.
#7: I haven't eaten all my kids' Halloween candy...you should be impressed!
For more Quick Takes visit Jennifer.
Bigger Picture #13: Holding

and you held me and there were no words
and there was no time and you held me
and there was only wanting and
being held and being filled with wanting
and I was nothing but letting go
and being held
and there were no words and there
needed to be no words
As I read it, I was very aware of my sense that this was talking about the God/human relationship and also the parent/child relationship. I don't know what you hear when you read her words, or what Ms. Morley intended, but I hear a relationship of comfort and security, a relationship of mutuality, a relationship of balance, a relationship of presence.
Again I am reminded that the holding we do of our children, the speaking, the not speaking, the hurrying, the patience, the holding on, the letting go...all of it speaks of God, whether we intend it or not. It reflects our understandings. It teaches them theirs. Parenting is a powerful gift. May we live it well.
For more Bigger Picture Moments visit Hyacynth.
And, if you'd like to read the whole prayer, pop on over here.
Friday, October 22, 2010
Quick Takes, #18

#2: St. Louis, though only a few hours away from home, has been a great vacation spot. And so let me do a commercial for St. Louis and their many family friendly experiences that are FREE! The St. Louis Zoo...yes, free admission. At that price you can even eat lunch inside the zoo. The Science Center...yes, free admission. Lone Elk Park...no charge, just a donation box and you get to drive through as elk, deer, and buffalo roam free around you. Grant's Farm...yes, free admission which includes tram ride through the park. The fudge making show at the Fudgery at Union Station is also free (well, at least until you get so tempted that you buy pounds and pounds of fudge!) and lots of fun. This is just the start of the list.
Friday, October 15, 2010
Quick Takes, #17

1) I am loving fall even as it is just beginning. My smile widens as I look at the thermometer in the mornings and see temperatures in the 30's and 40's. And midday 60's and 70's are lovely.
2) Sarah and I have actually...yes, really and truly...been doing the Couch to 5K program for three weeks! Tonight we'll complete our third week. And, surprisingly, it's really been great. I can't say I'm seeing myself as a runner yet, but I'm enjoying it and the company sure is good (as you can imagine if you read her blog!).
3) I love facebook but sometimes I simply don't get why people post what they do. Enough said!
4) I also don't get why everywhere I look I see people who are overwhelmed by their lives, their schedules, their commitments, their demands...and yet rarely do we (myself included) really do anything to change this crazy culture we've created.
5) Speaking of overwhelmed...we're taking a break and going on vacation next week. Yes, just the four of us...not to visit family or friends...just to be in a different place and spend time together. It will be delightful!
6) As a minister I can't help but wonder how the church could be a help rather than a hindrance to people living in more healthy ways and families and marriages being stronger. Sometimes I'm not so sure that we don't do twice as much that puts more demands on people than we do that helps them find joy.
7) Our grandbaby was over last night. He's now 2 1/2 months old. He loves to smile and laugh. He's turning over from tummy to back. He's just a really good baby. And his two-year-old uncle loves him...last night he was kissing and hugging on the baby as well as playing monster trucks with him. (The four-year-old meanwhile was watching the NASCAR qualifying laps...he's got his priorities!)
Have a great weekend! For more Quick Takes visit Jennifer.
Wednesday, October 13, 2010
Walking Together

Tuesday, October 5, 2010
Telling Her Story
Monday, October 4, 2010
I Can't Stop Thinking About It
Our two-year-old is obsessed with disrupting his brother.
(You see where this is going, don't you?)
This means that while the four-year-old is carefully choreographing a race on our living room race track (otherwise known as a coffee table), the two-year-old sneaks in like an unexpected tornado and changes the choreography.
And guess what?
The four-year-old is not happy! (hear this as an understatement!)
As much as it disturbs me, his reaction is often to strike out in anger by hitting his brother. And my response is always the same, "You can't hit your brother. No matter what he does, hitting is not okay. No matter what."
And I actually believe that.
This is what I can't stop thinking about. As obsessed as the four-year-old is with NASCAR, I'm equally obsessed with this addiction to violence we people seem to have. And I just don't get it.
I don't understand why hitting a child to make them behave makes sense...anytime...although I particularly don't get it when it's used to stop them from being physically violent.
I don't understand why going to war is an appropriate response to an act of violence that took innocent lives and hurt our nation so deeply.
I don't understand why hitting someone who has hit someone we love is an appropriate response.
I don't understand why hitting someone you claim to love is ever okay.
Now please don't misunderstand me. I'm not saying I've never felt like hitting or never hit. I have. I know that feeling of wanting to strike out. I know what it is to be so angry that it's hard to imagine other options. I know what it is to feel so out of control that you'll take back control by any means possible, even violence.
My problem is the many ways that we tell each other this is okay. My problem is with the reality that anger can so quickly increase the strength of our violence.
People are taught to spank their children. But what happens when a spanking is too hard and now a child is removed from the home? Or worse yet, when a spanking turns into a shaking or a dropping or a throwing and a child is disabled or dead?
My friend was recently talking about a comment on a blog. The blogger had written about why she stopped spanking her children. The comment responded saying that if spanking was problematic in her house she just wasn't doing it right. My friend's response was this, "All I could think was - if it's so easy to do it wrong, why do it at all?"
And that's what I really find myself struggling with. We justify a certain level of violence.
We tell ourselves we can spank misbehaving children. We set rules (which we may or may not follow) - only spank when you're not angry (of course I'd contend it's hard to hit someone if you're not angry) ... only spank for certain infractions ... only spank at a certain age.
We tell our children not to hit, but if a bully hits them, then we justify their retaliation. Or better yet our kid's dad goes and hits the bully's dad.
We discourage domestic violence, although I wonder if we're really opposed to spouses hitting each other or just opposed to the stigma of getting caught.
We talk about peace, but we're obsessed with war. Just look at the shelves of video games at your local discount center. Just look at our national budget. Just look at the lists and lists of young men and women who have died in war.
We justify a certain level of violence while putting our heads in the sand, pretending that violence doesn't create violence. But it does. One violent act easily becomes two and two easily becomes three. Once we are comfortable with the idea that physical violence is okay, it makes it easier to cross even our well laid out boundaries and limitatons.
When I tell my children that hitting is not okay, no matter what, I mean it. I mean it for them. I mean it for me. The times when I have hit (from the early days of fighting with my sister as a child all the way through adulthood) were wrong. Period. No matter how justified I felt. No matter how many reasons I had. They were wrong. Hitting is not okay.
And I just keep wondering how different our world would be...how more compassionately we would live with and toward each other...how much more understanding we would be...if we would raise a generation - just one generation - who believed this.
Friday, October 1, 2010
Blog for Our Breasts
First, the girls at Bigger Picture Blogs are hosting a month long Breast Cancer Awareness Carnival called "Write Pink." There will be guest posts, the sharing of stories, prompts for the weekly "Bigger Picture Moment" and giveaways over the course of the next 31 days. Make sure to keep visiting them and participate!

Meanwhile, as we begin this month, perhaps the most important thing we can do is love well the women in our lives.
Thursday, September 30, 2010
Bigger Picture #12: A Foot in Both Worlds

Monday, September 27, 2010
About Nurturing Our Children's Faith
Friday, September 24, 2010
Quick Takes, #16
#2: Which brings us to #2 - I've been spending this week in lovely San Diego! It's been a little cooler and hazier than usual, but I'm so ready for fall that leaving 95 degrees in Missouri to come to 65 and 70 degrees here is wonderful!
#3: The pastor's conference I've been at this week was tremendous! The speaker was really good as were the preachers during worship services. My earlier post this week (which you are welcome to continue responding to) was a direct result of our conversations here.
#4: I've been with one of my dear friends this week and it's been wonderful. Close friendships are so important to me but the busy-ness of life makes them harder and harder to find time for. So, I so cherish these moments where we can just be together without so many other demands.
#5: Speaking of other demands...this is not the first time I've left my hubby and kids home, but it is the longest. It's happened a few others times for just a couple of days. This time I've been gone Monday - Saturday. And of course, they are doing fine. I knew they would...I've just always hoped to keep it a secret from them that they're perfectly capable of surviving without me.
#6: Actually, capable is an understatement. My husband is busy being super dad. The two-year-old has now gone five days of going potty on the toilet. Yes, my dreams are coming true...he's being potty trained while I'm away!
#7: I may have mentioned that we bought the two-year-old a big boy bed. We haven't put it up yet but will soon. This week, his daddy used it as motivation for going potty. After all, big boys go potty on the toilet and get to sleep in big boy beds. :) (Guess it's time for me to start calling him the two-and-a-half-year-old...it's a mouthful, but it better represents him!)
Have a great weekend! Visit here for more Quick Takes.
Wednesday, September 22, 2010
Would You Do Me a Favor? It Won't Take Long
It won't take much time.
It's really just a little game of word association...actually two games of word association (or one game with two words).
So, please tell me what comes to your mind when you hear...
Okay, now please tell me what comes to your mind when you hear...
Thank you for playing, but in order for me to know you played along, please post your responses in my comments section. I really, really appreciate it!
Friday, September 17, 2010
Quick Takes, #15

#2: I'm getting ready to head for San Diego...three days and counting. I will see good friends who I am rarely with, sleep a little later than usual in the mornings, enjoy the ocean breeze...oh, yes, and go to the conference I'm attending (better not forget that!).
#3: Although the four-year-old cried (big, sobbing tears) again yesterday when I reminded him that I'll be leaving on Monday, today when we talked about the fact that my plane gets in during a NASCAR race the following Saturday, he quickly told me that Daddy and his brother could come to the airport to get me without him. He'll just see me when I get home.
#4: In the midst of this busy week yesterday had a little respite. I stayed home in the morning and got the house cleaned and even made a meatloaf (the only non-fast food dinner my kids have had this week!). Anyone else feel totally satisfied by the scent of bathroom cleaners and the sight of a freshly vacuumed floor?
#5: I've mentioned that my husband and others have been working on remodeling our church kitchen. It looks wonderful! I'm really glad that our home is newer and has a kitchen I'm satisfied with. Otherwise, he might have had to remodel ours as soon as he's done with this one.
#6: I made meatloaf. I made soup earlier in the week. Our church ladies are getting ready to make apple pies which they do each fall as a fundraiser. All this fall food is making me long (even more) for fall. I'm ready to pull on a sweatshirt and not sweat...how about you?
#7: It looks like this Couch to 5K thing might really happen! I've talked my dear friend Sarah into doing this with me. Monday, September 27 is our start date (which will be good since I may practice overindulging this next week in San Diego). We'll be sure to let you know how it goes.
For more Quick Takes visit Conversion Diary. Have a great weekend!
Thursday, September 16, 2010
Bigger Picture #11: Love and Grief

I am a soap opera junky when given a chance. It's probably a good thing I'm not a stay-at-home mom or my children would be being raised on confusing family trees and love lost and found and lost again.
I am also a minister. And among the many other gifts of my vocation, I am often invited in to the midst of people's grief in intimate ways that sometimes overwhelm me.
It's not unusual for me to hear people - especially people mourning the death of a long time spouse or elderly parent - say, "We had such a good life...I shouldn't be crying." My usual response is to tell them that I believe it's because they had a good life that they are crying. After all, there is something very special missing.
Today I happen to be at home...cooking, cleaning, catching up...and I have - guess what!?! - a soap opera on.
(Yes, this discussion of my soap opera addiction and grief will come together momentarily)
Today on The Young and The Restless the show took place at a funeral. Several of the characters spent a few minutes eulogizing the one who had died. But I was particularly struck by one comment. The character Katherine Chancelor (if you watch Y & R, you know her) said this...
Grief is the price we pay for love - and it's worth it.
I was struck by the truth of that comment. Whether it's the smaller daily grief that we sometimes face in the midst of struggle, disappointment, exhaustion, and so forth or whether it's that final grief at the ending of life, grief is the price we pay for love...
And I'm with Katherine - it's worth it.
For more Bigger Picture Moments visit Melissa's place and Bigger Picture Blogs.Monday, September 13, 2010
I've been having conversations with people about the same thing. And again, I am so moved by their honest struggles and the fact that they choose to share them with me.
I am grateful. And, in the midst of gratitude, I'm really struggling with all this. After all, I am a minister...in a church. And it's not only about the reality that the church is where my paycheck comes from, but I feel really committed to the church. And my heart breaks each time that I hear someone say that they need to leave the church. My heart breaks largely because I know that churches and church people have done so much damage to people that many can live more freely and more faithfully outside of the church than inside the church.
And these things I believe...churches are not perfect,
going to church is not the same thing as having a relationship with God,
going to church is not a necessity.
I struggle with the failure of the church to be the body of Christ.
I struggle with the busy-ness and business of the church that is necessary but that sometimes gets in the way of people's relationship with God.
I struggle with all of this...as a minister...as a mom. I struggle with wanting my children to be part of a faith community and fearing the hurt they will receive at the hand of the church.
I find myself believing in the importance of congregational life and sometimes I find myself wanting to run away, to escape the very thing I love.
I have to admit I have always been a person who believes that I can best work change from the inside rather than from leaving. But sometimes working change is exhausting. And sometimes I'm aware that I don't even know what change I should be working on.
I struggle because I catch glimpses of the wonderful gifts that are shared when the church lives out its calling to be the body of Christ. I struggle because the very people who are leaving the church are the very people who the church needs in order to become more of who God designed us to be.
I know the church is not perfect - not even close, but I believe the church can offer something. And I am seeking to discover what that is.
The Next Step on the Journey
Yes, just like he's supposed to!
I've been noticing lately how big he seems in his crib. I was especially aware of that last week when I watched our 6-week-old grandbaby and saw how little he looked (and he was nearly 9 pounds at birth, so this isn't a tee-tiny baby) napping in the crib.
Well, apparently the two-year-old has noticed how big he seems in his crib, too. Because the last several mornings he has gotten himself out of bed when he woke up. Not only in the morning, but also over the weekend at the end of naptime.
This baby who used to lay in his crib for a while and play as he woke up...who would then call out, "Mommy!"...he now just quietly hauls himself over the side of the crib and toddles in to our room or wherever we happen to be.
I had dreams of keeping him in the crib until he was three. It's not that I want to keep him little. As I've talked about before here, although I love babies, I don't experience a big desire to keep my boys little - they are so much fun at each new stage. It's really just that I think he's going to be a challenge when it comes to keeping him in bed.
Our four-year-old moved to his big boy bed at 25 months...after all, a new baby was on the way and so we had to get him out of the crib. But he's the kind of kid who's always been fine by himself. And he is pretty good at knowing the expectations and living in to them. So much so that not only did he not climb out of his crib but it was after he turned four before he even got out of his twin bed without permission.
Our two-year-old is a different kind of boy. He has a little more fun challenging the rules. And he has always preferred to be around people. That's really what I think will be tough for him. I'm anticipating that when he is put to bed in his big boy bed he might just get up and wander in to his brother's room for some company. I'm anticipating that if he gets up in the middle of the night, he might just come into our room and climb in bed. These are things we haven't experienced with the four-year-old.
But, the two-year-old is his own person. And this is just the next step on the journey.
Friday, September 10, 2010
Quick Takes, #14

#2: My husband has been helping with remodeling our church kitchen. Helping may be an understatement. Not that others aren't also helping, but when my hubby commits to a project, he really commits. What this has meant is that he leaves for work bright and early in the morning then goes straight from work to church in the evenings and gets home after we've all gone to bed. With a few exceptions, the boys and I have mostly seen him when we've been at church for meetings or when we've taken dinner over to get to spend time with him. The end is in sight. We are ready to have him back home...until the next project.
#3: Actually the timing of the kitchen getting done is going to be perfect...it should finish up in about a week and a half...just in time for me to be gone for a week. I'm off to a pastor's conference in San Diego. I'm excited to be going and to spend some time with some good friends who I rarely see. And the boys and their daddy will definitely get to spend quality (and quantity) time together!
#4: Speaking of the upcoming trip...I broke the news to the four-year-old the other day that I will be going. I've been putting it off, but also knew that he would need advanced notice. He loves his momma and sometimes has a little trouble when I leave him. This isn't part of our daily routine - he's fine at daycare, church nursery, Sunday school, etc. It is when I leave him in out of the ordinary ways that he struggles. When I told him he started to cry and told me that I should just stay in Missouri...I didn't need to go to California. We'll revisit this conversation again in the next week and half. It's good to be missed, but his sadness makes me sad.
#5: After posting yesterday about my disappointment in our either/or sort of thinking and using the planned holy book burning as an example, I was happy to get on the internet and see a news story that said book burning was called off. I didn't read up on it. I don't pretend to think that just because a particular church in Florida won't be burning Muslim holy books, all is well. But, this does give me hope.
#6: I've heard people talk about the "Couch to 5K" plan that's out there. I looked at it tonight. I'm not really sure running (even jogging) is something I really desire to do. Even as a child I didn't like to run. Gym was my least favorite subject. But, something in me is tempted to try. I really wish I had a partner for this...I'm so much better with accountability. Anybody out there tried this particular approach?
#7: The four-year-old and I will be participating in our local CROP Walk a week from Sunday. We did this last year and he's looking forward to doing it again this year. I'm really enjoying this year because I feel like he gets it in way he couldn't last year. I love hearing his voice when he asks friends and family for donations to help hungry people. It warms my heart.
Hope you've had a great week. Enjoy your weekend! And for more Quick Takes, run (or walk) on over to Conversion Diary.
Thursday, September 9, 2010
Bigger Picture #10: I Want a Both/And World

"Doesn't she like me, Mommy?"
"You only think she is sweet, not me, Mommy?"
I turn on the news (which I try to do as seldom as possible) and hear that a church has set a date for burning another religion's holy book and is hoping others will join them in this effort.
"Read our book...not theirs."
"Only call ours holy...not theirs."
Everywhere I turn it seems that the message that is being sent is one that says:
"My way is right...your way is wrong."
"If I affirm your way, I must reject my way."
And I just don't get this.
Because when I look around I see both/and.
She can like both of you.
I can think you're both sweet.
Both holy books hold value.
Truth is found in both books...both ways...both journeys.
The bigger picture?
Maybe it's that we have a lot to learn about compassion, about tolerance, about love.
Maybe it's that I'm crazy to even think both/and is a possibility...but I don't want to accept an either/or world.
Maybe it's that what we teach our kids matters so much because this next generation will choose whether to increase the divide or to build a bridge over it. I hope to raise a couple of bridge builders.
For more Bigger Picture moments visit Sarah at This Heavenly Life.
Monday, September 6, 2010
The Circle of Life
One bounces down the hall on the bouncy ball. The other makes a bridge with his body from couch to loveseat.
One begins playing cars and soon racing turns to crashing. The other invites his brother to wrestle.
The wrestling begins and soon a thud is heard as the four-year-old's head hits the wall. A tear is shed...for just a moment. Mommy offers a hug. The four-year-old welcomes the embrace, then playfully pushes Mommy on to the ground. The two-year-old jumps on top and the wrestling begins again.
This is the circle of life in our household
Wrestling leads to a head injury and with a quick hug thrown in that head injury leads right back to wrestling again.
Sunday, September 5, 2010
Being a Parent Takes Energy
I was just reminded of that again. Sitting here at the computer...finally catching up on reading this last week's posts that I had missed...wondering what I would have written had I done my usual weekly Bigger Picture Blog or Friday Quick Takes...sitting here was so peaceful
The two-year-old walked over and said, "Here's my poopy diaper," as he placed said diaper in my hand. :)
As I was cleaning him up (thankfully he simply removed the diaper but did not take time to make a bigger mess) and getting his new diaper on I thought, "This child needs to be potty trained."
Then I was reminded...being a parent take energy.
And today (and likely tomorrow), I don't have energy to potty train, so...
I think I'll just get duct tape
Friday, August 27, 2010
Quick Takes, #13

#2: Speaking of my need for exercise, have I mentioned the cream filled long johns at the donut shop closest to our house? They are absolutely sinful, they are so delicious. I really wanted one this morning, but am happy to say I managed to not turn in to the parking lot as we drove by. Thankfully the donut shop closes at 11 a.m. - I'm not sure I'd have that kind of will power on the way home after a day at work.
#3: Our grandbaby and his parents were over at our house for dinner Wednesday night. As we prepared to eat, he was tired but fighting sleep. I got the pleasure of holding him close, rocking him gently until he gave in to what he knew he needed. What a nice to feeling to have a little one asleep in my arms.
#4: My step-dad retired in the spring after over 40 years of teaching. This week students came back to school in their district and for the first time in all those years he wasn't there. I was concerned for him, especially since my mom is still teaching. But, no concern necessary...he's doing great and enjoying his freedom!
#5: In the mornings when we open the garage door, my boys have a habit of stepping out into the open and saying, "Good morning, world!" I love it!
#6: I overheard a conversation in a restaurant this week where three men were talking politics. They were mostly like-minded so their conversation was quite jovial and relaxed. However, I was not of the same mind and was really struggling with some things that were being said within ear shot of my children. I couldn't help but wonder - how do I teach my children to be compassionate and understanding in a world that seems to be getting more divided and volatile?
#7: Of course, my children weren't paying attention to the content of said conversation. The only concern either of them showed was when 2 out of the 3 men were laughing. The two-year-old got a perplexed look on his face as he pointed to the one who was not fully participating and said, "He not laughing. What wrong?"
Have a great weekend...relax and enjoy a laugh or two. And for more Quick Takes go on over to visit Jen at Conversion Diary.
Thursday, August 26, 2010
Bigger Picture #9: Small Kindnesses Matter

One evening this week the boys and I were out for a fancy (okay, really it was fast food) dinner. There was a mother in front of us in line. Her husband was seated across the restaurant with their two young children. She ordered their food and then was waiting for it.
When their food was ready it filled two trays. As she turned around to carry them to the table, a container of dipping sauce fell off. She looked at it briefly and I heard her say to herself, "I'll come back for that." She then carried the food off to their table, planning to return for the sauce.
The four-year-old and I both saw the sauce fall. We made eye contact and I said to him, "You could take that to her." He eagerly did just that, running over, setting it down on the table and then quickly departing nearly before she realized what he had done. But I, from across the room, could see the gratitude on the face of a woman with two small children whose fast food experience I could relate to.
I was reminded right then that small kindnesses matter. It would have been so easy to not even notice what she had dropped. It would have been easy to not even respond. But I'm glad we did notice and I'm glad we did respond.
I'm glad my children have been on both the giving and receiving end of small kindnesses. I hope I keep remembering how important they are.
What's your Bigger Picture moment from the week? Go on over to Maegan's and share your story by linking up.
Wednesday, August 25, 2010
I'm Drinking Virtual Coffee...Want to Join?

Monday, August 23, 2010
Tightrope Walking
He had woken about 12:30 a.m. and needed a glass of milk - just ask him, he'll tell you. Actually I did believe he probably could use it since he hadn't been feeling well all day and had hardly eaten at all. I was just thankful not to have to make a sandwich or pancakes or something in the middle of the night.
So, he drank a little milk and then we laid on the couch together. First we were at one end cuddled up. Then he moved to other end so our legs and feet comingled in the middle. Finally he said, "I need more milk, momma."
"Should I get that for you?" I asked.
"I save your place. I be your best friend," he replied.
I smiled as I wandered back to the kitchen to retrieve more milk. And when I returned, there he lay at my end of the couch "saving my place."
I've had several reflections on this interaction since.
My first thought was this: I can't help but pause and wonder how my two-year-old already knows about things like saving places and having best friends. And I really can't help but wonder how he already knows the power of calling someone his best friend (or telling them they are not, which he also does). Of course, I know that between an older sibling, a daycare setting where he spends time with older kids, and his natural brillance (of course there's that!), I shouldn't be surprised when he knows things that I reserve for older children.
My second thought was this: There is power in a two-year-old calling you his best friend (especially at 1 o'clock in the morning). Who wouldn't want to be his best friend when that means a snuggle on the couch?
But, that thought led to another (as often happens) and I was suddenly hearing all these conversations I hear from parents regarding whether parents and kids can be friends.
Some say no, absolutely not. You are his parent, not his friend.
Some say yes, so much so that the direction and discipline that is intrinsic to parenting flies out the door.
I wonder if our first question doesn't have to be about definition - how are we defining friend?
I don't need to be the one my children gossip with or paint their nails with or go shoppig with...okay, yes, I know I have boys, I just don't know what boys do with their friends - I'm a girl! (And I have lots to learn before they become teenagers!) Point made, though, right? I hope that my children have people of their own age, their own experience with whom they can play, talk, and even complain about their mom.
But I like to think that somehow, carefully, I can be both parent and friend. I like to think that I can be the one who guides and correct and cheers on, while also being the one who relaxes and enjoys and hears their hearts.
I am a both/and kind of girl. And I believe our parent/child relationship is modeled after our God/human relationship which I also understand to be both/and.
Yes, God is God - God is our creator; God is divine; God is the one who guides and directs us, the one whose judgment is better than ours.
And yes, God is friend; God is near to us; God is constant companion; God is intimacy; God invites us to be partners in living and in kingdom building.
I read both of these in scripture. I experience both of these in my relationship with God.
And I like to believe with some good judgment and sometimes what feels a lot like tightrope walking we as parents can still be parents while coming beside our children as friends.
Friday, August 20, 2010
Quick Takes, #12

#2: Because I'm stubborn and not really counting lunch as a date with my husband, I'm hoping we might get one tomorrow night. The boys' older sister wanted time with them, so she has them tomorrow night and I just got set free from the church commitment I had. So...maybe...
#3: Our schools around here began the new year this week. The four-year-old is anticipating when he starts kindergarten (yes, a year from now) and had several questions this week. First, he asked what day next August he would start school. Of course I don't know, but had I been able to tell him, he probably would have remembered (he's just that kind of kid). Second, he asked if any of his preschool friends will go to the same school as him. Because of locations (daycare is by my work and he'll be in school near our home), I doubt it, but again...I don't know. Finally he asked if I would go to a new work when he goes to a new school. I told him probably not. At least not that I know of.
#4: I'm working on planning a family vacation for the fall - late October, perhaps November. The main point is just to spend some time together. It doesn't have to be any place with big attractions or one of those once in a lifetime locations. Just somewhere away. Any ideas? Any place you've loved being with your family and young children?
#5: I had eaten Bagel Thins (shaped like a bagel, the flavor of a bagel, not so thick and packed with more fiber) at my mom's. Then she had brought me some on her last visit because I couldn't find them. But tonight...yes...you guessed it...I found them at our local grocery! Guess what we had for dinner?!? Guess what we'll have for breakfast tomorrow?!?
#6: What is it about religion that often seems to make people think they have to have the right answer and everyone whose answer is different than theirs is wrong? I don't get that. And I've been in several conversations lately with people who really struggle with that and who, because of that, are really turned away from God. What purpose does that serve?
#7: I read a book this last week! No, not an illustrated, rhyming children's book. One with paragraphs and pages in the hundreds. A simple novel about friendship. Not the best book I've ever read, but just what I needed.
For more Quick Takes visit Jen.
Thursday, August 19, 2010
Conversation in the Car
(After looking to see that the two-year-old had his pouty face on)
Me: What's wrong?
Two-year-old: (grunt)
Me: (trying to cheer him up) I love you!
Two-year-old: No. And I don't love you!
Me: I do love you...
Four-year-old: (interrupting) And she'll love you forever. She'll even love you if you die and she'll wish for you.
Two-year-old: I don't want to die.
Me: No, baby, you aren't going to die. He didn't say you were going to die, but if you did I'd still love you.
Two-year-old: I don't want to die.
Me: You aren't going to die for a long, long time (I want to be able to tell him he never will...but that's just not true...I hope I can assure him that it won't happen for a long, long time)
Two-year-old: I don't want to die.
Four-year-old: You are still very young. Even mommy and daddy aren't old enough to die. You won't die until you are very old.
Two-year-old: I knew that.
Bigger Picture #8: Loving Who He Is
I told them good morning and began to have conversation with them. It wasn't until the two-year-old said to me, "I climbed out of my crib," that it even occurred to me that he's never come to my room in the morning, I always go to his!
Now, let me say, I did know he could climb out of his crib. He has done it, not frequently, but on several occasions. But, never in the morning. Our usual morning routine is that he wakes up and then when he's ready, he calls to us, somehow seeming to know what day it is and which parent to call for. But, on Tuesday, he climbed out and came to wake me up.
At first I was surprised that I wasn't more surprised by his presence at my bedside. But then it occurred to me...I wasn't surprised because even though he's my baby, I do see him as a big boy and I am happy with who he is growing up to be.
I'm not quite ready to give up the crib. It will take several more morning escapes for that to happen.
But for now I just remain hopeful that each day when he (or his brother) greets me - whether he is two or twelve or twenty-two - I will look at him and simply love who he is right then and there.
For more Bigger Picture Moments visit Melissa.
Tuesday, August 17, 2010
What an Honor!

For What Do We Pray?
"Is it going to rain today, Mom?" he asked first thing this morning. I had to look out the window...I hadn't even taken time to notice the weather.
"It might," I replied, enjoying the thought of a summer rain.
Rain didn't enter our conversation again until we were in the car on our way in to town.
"Mom, you need to pray," said the four-year-old.
Pray. Okay. I can do that. But, what's this request about, I wondered.
"Why?" I asked.
"You need to ask God to not let it rain."
Ah, my child is worried that rain will interrupt his much needed outdoor play at school. He wants the weather to cooperate with his plans.
But, how do I respond? I want my children to know they can talk to God about anything. I also want them to understand that God isn't there to give them everything they want whenever they ask (or demand) it.
I did respond...with carefully chosen words...walking the tightrope between these two realities...perhaps with more of an answer than my four-year-old needed.
But, how would you respond? How do you help your children find that balance? How do you find it?
Friday, August 13, 2010
Quick Takes, #11: Actually Random

#1 - I had lunch with our two week old grandbaby this week. Well, his mommy and I ate, but he kept us company. Is it bad that both myself and his mommy were commenting that one of his cutest faces is the frown right before he lets out a cry? He's just so cute when his mouth turns down and his forehead wrinkles that it's hard to do much but smile. However, he does know how to make himself known and is sure to get comforted when the crying ensues.
#2 - Speaking of our new grandbaby - his daddy went back to work this week and his mommy goes back to school next week. Their life is about to get into the "usual rhythm" - whatever that is. Please send good thoughts and prayers their way as they get back to their routines and as they figure out how those routines work with a new little one in their midst.
#3 - I was reading this post and was really struck by those four words, "At the same moment." Wow - so much does happen at the same moment. My joy lays next to someone else's sorrow. My anxiety next to someone else's eagerness. But even beyond that, I find these things happening within me. My joy and sorrow intermingle...my anxiety and eagerness intermingle...my excitement and exhaustion intermingle. Isn't it amazing?
#4 - The four-year-old's swimming lessons ended today. It's amazing how much he learned. I actually watched him swim the length of his teacher's pool BY HIMSELF. It is pretty amazing!
#5 - Tonight on the way home from swimming the four-year-old did a favorite thing which is to tease me by saying, "I don't love you." Of course, the two-year-old chimed right in, "I don't love you, too, Mommy." But I didn't have to listen...the four-year-old responded to him before I could. "But she'll always love you," he told his little brother. I had to smile...he's been listening!
#6 - I recently mentioned my grandparents in a blog. I have to comment on them again. In the last month both my grandma and my grandpa have written sweet letters to my four-year-old in response to drawings/notes he has sent them in the mail. It just warms my heart that they take the time to do that and I love that he is learning about old fashioned, hand written correspondence.
#7 - I need a date with my husband. Perhaps I should make sure that happens.
Quick Takes are in a new location for this week, so for more be sure to visit Hallie over here.
Thursday, August 12, 2010
Bigger Pictures #7: Taking a Breath