Amy at Lucky Number 13 has created a link to invite others to join in her Virtual Coffee. So, today I thought I'd sit a spell along with her and others. You might want to, too.
If we were meeting for coffee today...
You would learn that I don't drink coffee (pause for collective gasp). My vice is pop, though I try to limit to one a day. If it was a cooler morning (or the air conditioning where we were meeting was more than doing its job), I'd likely have a chai tea or hot chocolate.
I would tell you how proud I am of the church I serve. We have just concluded our first capital campaign and despite a difficult economy and the fact that so many weren't sure we could, we not only hit our goal, but we have exceeded it! I would explain what a big deal this is and how much it says about who our congregation has become and is becoming.
I would ask you if had any suggestions for where we should vacation this fall, as I talked about how much our family needs some time together. Right now with busy schedules it is a rare occurance for myself, my husband and our children to all be in the same space for more than a few minutes.
I would tell you how one of the four-year-old's teachers told me that he was asking her how to tell time on a real clock and that she is going to start working with him on that. I would tell you how grateful I am for teachers who do more than what's expected and how amazed I am that my four-year-old is wanting to learn this.
If we were having "coffee" together, I would simply be grateful for time, too fleeting and too infrequent, time to just sit and visit with a girlfriend...time that I treasure but rarely seem to find these days. I would say thank you!
Sounds like your four year old has an incredible teacher :)
(and I don't drink coffee either... chai, or maybe a latte, but never plain coffee!)
If we were having coffee, I'd surprise you and order chai, too. :) Because that's my vice.
And I'd suggest going to Michigan -- Saugatuck or somewhere on the western coast -- for your vacation.
i really enjoy reading what you write. if you ever want to join Kenzie and I we normally go for walks around 10:30ish.
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