Since our air conditioning is out and likely will be until Monday (needed part is on back order), I've decided to focus my Quick Takes this week on the joys of summer (a.k.a. what I can celebrate even though it's hotter than ____ in my house!).
Before sharing them, let me give you a perspective from which to read these: I do NOT like hot weather. I try not to be a big baby about it, but I would rather have 3 feet of snow than 90 degrees...yes, really.
Having said that, here's what I can celebrate even though it's hotter than ____ in my house....
#1: The joys of home ownership. It is because I have a house that I am able to complain that the air conditioning in it is not working.
#2: The joys of watching my children play. My boys love to be outside (and, as I mentioned the other day, don't mind the heat at all) and since it's hotter inside than out, I'm less likely to find excuses to move us indoors and thus have them miss out of their much needed and very important outdoor playtime. I'm also less likely (read: not likely at all) to push outdoor time off on their daddy right now in order that I can go inside and do laundry, sit at the computer, etc.
#3: The joys of being together. We are grateful to have a basement which is remaining somewhat cooler than the rest of the house, however realizing it's not as roomy as our upstairs, we are getting to be in closer quarters with each other...and I think that's a good thing.
#4: The joys of work and daycare. On weeks when I long to be a stay-at-home mom, I will remember this week. It is with joy that we left the house this morning (a full hour earlier than usual) and headed to our cooled places where we spend the day.
#5: The joys of donuts. Because we left home so early, we got to visit a donut shop that we pass every day but don't usually go to. I discovered a flashback to my childhood in the form of a cream filled long john - filled with buttercream frosting. If you, like me, are a sugar addict, you will understand the deep joy of this. And trust me, this will not be only a summer treat! (Of course, I'm still looking for exercise ideas and will definitely need them if I become a frequent flyer to the donut shop)
#6: The joys of our new patio. Last month we had a new patio poured. We have eaten dinner there several nights. Hubby and I have spent some late evenings sitting there. Honestly though, since it's gotten so hot, I hadn't been out there. Guess where I went with the computer last night? Yes, the patio. Because 83 degrees (even though it was a little more humid) beat 93 in the house.
#7: The joys of perspective. My life is good. My life is easy. When our air conditioning being out for a few days can consume this much of my (and subsequently, your) energy because this is the biggest crisis we've faced in a while...how can summer, this summer, this week of this summer, not be wonderful!?!
For more Quick Takes visit Jen at Conversion Diary. And stay cool!
I'm so glad you're finding things to appreciate! Especially on that gorgeous patio :)
I had a strange moment last night when Justin was mowing the lawn at 8:30 -- just before sunset. I stepped outside to give him a glass of water, and the warmth felt nice somehow. The air in the house seemed frigid by comparison.
So I raised the thermostat to 77. Boy, am I hearty...
Your 93 degrees has got nothin' on this pansy :)
77...taking a walk on the wild side, huh? :)
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