It seems like I disappeared from the world wide web for a while...it wasn't really that long, but I did miss a week of Quick Takes and a few other things. Even though I'm not a daily blogger, I noticed my absence from blogging. So, let me share with you a little of what's been keeping me so busy.
1) Two Sundays ago our church began a capital campaign. This is the first time that this congregation has done this type of major fund raising. It's exciting and scary all at the same time. I'm feeling thrilled and challenged and sometimes just plan frightened to lead them through this.
2) The day after kicking off our capital campaign, we started Vacation Bible School. I've learned we should never schedule those things at the same time, but even with the extra busyness, it was a great week of learning. We did our VBS this year with a neighboring church - a new relationship forged for this purpose.
3) My family and I didn't get to be here for the entire week of VBS because we got to go to Iowa - my home state - for my cousin's wedding. I had the privilege of co-officiating at her wedding as we blessed them and the vows they made. How exciting as they made this amazing commitment to each other.
4) We came home just in time to welcome a new member to our family. Tuesday evening my step-son and his girlfriend gave birth to a beautiful baby boy. My husband and I now wear the title of grandparents...my two little ones are uncles (and proud to be!). It's been amazing to watch these two young people not only have a baby but be transformed into parents.
5) As I talked about yesterday, we also had a visit from family - my mom, step-dad, grandparents, uncle and aunt. Hosting family and sharing time with multiple generations was a delight. (As was showing off the new grandbaby!)
6) As you can imagine there's a lot of catching up to do and the regular tasks of life and ministry still need to be done. So, I'm trying to not get overwhelmed (finding time to blog must indicate that I'm succeeding!) and to just take it one task at a time.
7) Meanwhile, I'm happy...and tired...but happy.
For more Quick Takes visit Jen at Conversion Diary. Have a great weekend!