Monday, May 30, 2011

What Blew Away?

Tornadoes blow many things away...

Signs and trees...

Utility poles and wires...

Houses and restaurants...

Churches and schools...

Cars and sadly, sometimes people.

But tonight as I joined in an interfaith prayer service we were reminded that tornadoes also blow away the lines that divide us.

I am living in a community that is no longer divided by theology or denomination or longer divided by political view or race or economic situation.

Suddenly...and for the past eight days...we have been united. We have lived together in ways we don't always live because of everything that blew away with the storm.

It will be interesting to see how we rebuild...what walls go up and what walls we might choose to keep down.


Sharon said...

Wow! I do hope that others are also catching this vision of unity. I hope you will let us know how the rebuilding goes.

This Heavenly Life said...

What a wonderful side-effect of disaster :)